Friday, May 2, 2008

We're Off!!

We're in the Redding airport and they just called our boarding...of course Tom is not back from taking our car to my Dad's - he dropped us first and we checked in, then he left to do the car drop...never a dull moment in our family!

In case you were wondering our schedule - here it is:
Redding - San Francisco 9:30am - 10:30am
San Francisco - Hong Kong 12:40pm on the 2nd - 6:00pm on the 3rd!
Saturday night in Hong Kong
Sunday Disneyland Hong Kong
Sunday night Hong Kong
Monday - train to Guangzhou China, flight to Wuhan China
Tuesday - Get GRAHAM!!

I'll tell you more later...those are just the dates leading to the most important date. Please pray for us on this trip. Pray that we will have safe and relaxing travel, and that Graham will be healthy and ready for us to meet him. He's getting ready for the biggest change in his life and he doesn't even know it!! Also please pray for Amelia, that the transition will be excellent for her too. I can't imagine what's going to go through her mind when we get off the plane in Hong Kong and we're surrounded by people who look like her! It will be interesting I'm sure.

Thank you and we'll post from Hong Kong. Oh, the time in China is 15 hours ahead of California, so you can figure it out.

Love you lots!


Ron Largent said...

I guess you got to SFO...I followed you until you got on the plane, and then as I was leaving you took I hope the flight went well...and anxious to hear how "the A" handled 14 hours on the flight.
Tom brought in a car seat, and there is still one in your you want me to do something with this other seat?

Keep us posted, as I am sure you will.

Love, Dad and Ron

Anonymous said...

Hi! You don't know us - we just adopted our daughter Grace from the same SWI this past November. She has been such a blessing and a joy. We are thrilled for you and Graham and will keep your family in our prayers.
Cheryl, Gerry and Grace Kawaoka

Truly Blessed said...

Hi Christy & family,

How exciting that you're FINALLY on your way to your son! I'm a fellow RQer and have a beautiful daughter from Guangdong (home since 11/06) and soon to travel to our 2nd daughter in Jiangxi (in June -- just got LOA yesterday!).

Forgive me for asking, but you look SO familiar to me -- did you happen to go to LBC/LU in Virginia between 1981 & 1985? I graduated from LU on May 6 '85 -- I know it's a long shot, but doggone it, you look so familiar to me!

Have a wonderful, wonderful trip -- I can't wait to follow you in a month's time!

Kelly (aka Truly Blessed from the RQ forum)
if you are who I think you might be, email me!

Keith said...

This is a wonderful journey. Thank you for sharing it. I hope to come back to this site again.

Unknown said...

Tom and Christy,
You are bringing back the memories we shared on our trip to Chongqing 3 years ago. Can't wait to meet Graham...

Karrie said...

Hi Christy,
I'm new on WCC list and you graciously invited me to your blog. Once I realized that 'mentions' of God or Jesus were to be 'flagged' in the subject line of posts on this list I opted out because Jesus is my breath and life and it just didn't seem right to stay. I wasn't removed from the list and didn't know why the delay, and then I met you and I read your blog and now I know I was here to meet you and be encouraged by God's working in your precious family! Thanks for including me Christy. We are just begining the journey you are even know reaching the end and the begining to! Congratulations I will be checking your blog with bated breath every day you are in China!
Fondly, Karrie Rudd

PainterClan said...

ARGGHH!! I just wrote a novel and I lost it... anyways... I can't wait to see Graham... let me know the details of when you return...maybe we can make it in between soccer games that day. I just bought more arbonne this week...LOVE IT!! so does Jack and the girls..!!

anyways...know that we love you and can't wait to see you and your growing family very very soon!!
Lynn and the Painter Clan

Colleen said...

Hi! We're in Hong Kong, too, at the Sheraton! We fly tomorrow to Changsha and will meet our six year old daughter on Tuesday! Enjoy Wuhan, we adopted our first daughter there in 2003. Congrats on your new son!
