Monday, March 31, 2008

Here we go again!!

Well, our happy news is that we will be traveling to China SOON! You know we've been waiting over 2 years for a referral for "little sister"...and after 2 years of praying and waiting, we finally have....a "Little BROTHER"! Yes, Chong Siao, soon to be Graham Siao is waiting for us to pick him up in China! We're so very happy. Amelia will be traveling with us of course, and most days she's very excited. Pictures of little brother to arrive soon.

Why "Joyful Journey" as our title? Well, I believe that this journey we're on (life) should be joyful. In all things give thanks is what Paul told us, and I try to do that to the best of my ability. So, my hope and prayer is that you will enjoy this journey with us. We'll start with the trip to China to pick up little brother...but who knows, we may continue this conversation for years to come.